How To Clean Canvas Shoes? [3 Easy Ways]

How To Clean Canvas Shoes

I love canvas shoes — they are so comfortable and stylish. But, you know, if you wear them every day, they get dirty very quickly. So it’s important to keep them clean and fresh.

Now if your canvas shoes have become all filthy and stinky you needn’t worry. I have got here some amazing tips for cleaning them up. 

And the best part is that you won’t require anything fancy, just a few things which I am sure you must already have at home.

Let me walk you through three easy methods of cleaning your canvas shoes: hand-washing, using a washing machine, or spot-cleaning. 

Also, towards the end, I will give you some hints on how to maintain their cleanliness for longer durations meaning less frequent washings will be required on your part. 

Okay then! Let’s dive into it – let us begin keeping those fabric sneakers looking new forever!

How to Prepare Your Canvas Shoes for Cleaning

Take the laces and insoles out

Make sure you remove the laces and insoles from your cloth sneakers. 

This way, you can clean the shoe itself without any interference caused by these parts. You can easily wash them together with other clothes when doing laundry next time.

Brush away loose dirt and debris

Use a soft-bristle brush or an old toothbrush to gently remove any loose dirt, dust, or debris on the surface of your shoes. Focus more on cracks and seams where most buildup is evident.

Prepared how to clean canvas shoes

Identify specific stains

Examine your canvas sneaker closely to see if there are certain stains or spots that need extra care during cleaning. How many and how deep they are will determine which method should be used.

Pre-treat tough stains

For stubborn stains or spots, it is recommended that you first pre-treat them before cleaning the whole shoe. Get a stain remover or gentle soap solution for this purpose. Apply directly onto the stained area then allow some minutes for dirt to loosen up.

Spot test cleaning solution

In case you have never used a particular cleaning product on canvas before, begin by conducting spot testing on a small hidden part of your shoe. 

The main idea here is to see whether there will be any adverse effects after applying the solution

So, now we know how to prepare your canvas sneakers to clean. Now let’s go and clean them. There are three methods you can use. 

  • Hand Washing. 
  • Machine Washing (Yes, you can do that).
  • Spot Cleaning. 

Hand Washing Canvas Shoes 

Materials Needed for Hand Washing:

  • Soap or Detergent: Choose a mild soap or gentle detergent specifically made for hand washing delicate fabrics.
  • Basin or Sink: Use a clean basin or sink that is large enough to comfortably wash your hands in.
  • Water: You will need access to clean, lukewarm water for both washing and rinsing.
how to clean canvas shoes by Hand Washing

Step-by-Step Guide for Hand Washing:

Washing Process:

  • Empty a sink or basin and then fill it with warm water. 
  • Add soap or any other mild detergent by following the instructions on the bottle. Swish your hand in the water to create soap.
  • Gently place each garment into the soapy mixture, making sure they are fully submerged. Stir them around for a while before leaving them to soak for some minutes.
  • While working clothes softly between your fingers pay attention to areas with stains.
  • Rinse all items until no more suds can be seen under running water from the faucet. 
  • After that empty out the soapy liquid and refill the sink/basin with fresh lukewarm water again rinsing garments under a tap until there is no sign of soap left on them.

Drying Process:

  • Squeeze clothes lightly without wringing or twisting them, to remove excess moisture.
  • Spread a dry towel on a flat surface then lay wet clothing flat onto it. 
  • Roll up tightly but carefully so as much extra water gets absorbed into fabric as possible; then unroll and flatten out again reshaping garment(s) if necessary

Additional Tips for Hand Washing

  • If a stain is tough, pretreat it by gently rubbing some mild stain remover onto the affected spot before you start washing.
  • Do not wring/ twist delicate fabrics because this may stretch/damage them.
  • Dry items away from direct heat/sunlight which could fade colors and reshape them during the drying process to keep their original shape intact.

Machine Washing Canvas Shoes

If you prefer a more convenient and time-saving approach, machine washing can be a suitable option for cleaning your canvas shoes. 

However, it’s important to note that this method may not be suitable for all types of canvas shoes, so check the manufacturer’s instructions before proceeding.

how to clean canvas shoes by Machine Washing

Materials Needed

  • Mesh laundry bag or pillowcase
  • Mild detergent
  • Cold or lukewarm water

Prepare the Shoes

Before putting your shoes in the washer, take off their laces and insoles. Doing so will help prevent them from becoming entangled during the wash cycle and clean more deeply.

Protect the Shoes

To ensure they’re protected throughout the wash, put sneakers into a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase. 

This will keep them from getting caught on anything else and lower the chances of causing damage.

Set the Washing Machine

Use cold water or lukewarm water on a gentle cycle. Using hot water isn’t recommended, because it weakens glue and fades colors that make materials wear faster.

Add Detergent

Take care with which kind you choose; mild detergents work best when washing shoes in a machine. Harsh chemicals or bleach can ruin fabrics by breaking them down.

Air Dry

Once you’ve taken out your shoes from any bags used during washing, let them dry naturally somewhere not under direct sunlight. A dryer may shrink or distort canvas material due to heat exposure if used. 

Spot Cleaning Canvas Shoes

You can make use of spot cleaning, an expedient strategy for dealing with little and recent stains on canvas shoes.

This method enables you to deal with specific parts without having to soak the shoe in water which is both time-saving and less labor intensive.

Do the following to effectively clean your canvas shoes from a particular spot:

  • Identify the Stain: You need to find where exactly on your canvas shoes there is a spot or stain that needs cleaning.
  • Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Make a gentle cleaning solution by mixing equal amounts of water with light detergent or sneaker cleaner. Mix well until it becomes soapy.
  • Apply the Solution: Take a soft cloth or soft-bristle brush and dip it into the cleaning solution ensuring that it is only dampened but not soaked through.
  • Gently Scrub the Stain: Delicately scrub back and forth over an area of focus in order to raise dirtiness / remove stains; avoid pressing too hard as this may damage the fabric.
  • Blot the Area: After scrubbing, use a clean wet piece of cloth/towel/cotton ball/etc., whatever is available around you will work just fine – then pat dry after soaking up any remaining soap residue left behind

Tips for Drying and Caring for Canvas Shoes

  • When you’ve finished cleaning, stuff your shoes with paper towels or a dry cloth to help them keep their shape, and then let them air-dry in a well-ventilated spot out of direct heat or sunlight.
  • Don’t put canvas shoes in the dryer—the heat may cause the fabric to distort or shrink.
  • Take out the insoles if possible; this allows the shoes to dry separately.
  • Clean your canvas shoes frequently so dirt doesn’t build up on them making it hard for you to care for them.
  • Spray some waterproofing spray on them so that water cannot come into contact with your canvas shoes which might stain it as well.
  • Store these types of footwear somewhere cool and dry when not using them to avoid mold growth as well as mildew development.
  • Get rid of any loose dirt or debris by using a soft brush before washing these items.
  • Avoid using strong chemicals during washing because they can spoil the material that makes up most of these things.

Preventative measures for keeping canvas shoes clean

We are all aware that prevention is often the best strategy. You can begin by being careful about where you wear your canvas shoes.

Do not wear them in muddy or rainy conditions because dirt from these environments tends to leave behind stains that are difficult to remove. 

Also, if you know that there is a high chance of your shoes getting dirty due to the nature of an event or activity. 

I will advise you to have another pair with you apart from those made of canvas material which you adore so much.

In addition, another preventive measure against the accumulation of dirt and staining on canvas shoes is the use of protective sprays. 

Such products usually form a shield that repels off soil particles as well as liquids. Not only is this method easy but also very effective since it ensures freshness in appearance over extended periods.

Moreover, even when they seem clean already cleaning should be done frequently to prevent dusting materials from settling deep down. Sometimes just rubbing gently using a wet cloth together with mild soap may do wonders.

Lastly, make cleaning your canvas shoes regularly part and parcel with other general maintenance practices. 

When shoe care becomes routine rather than an occasional occurrence one can easily detect signs of dirtiness early enough. 

Alternative Cleaning Methods for Canvas Shoes

When traditional cleaning methods are unsuitable or unavailable, there are other effective ways to clean canvas shoes. Below are a few of them:

  • Vinegar Mixture: Mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Use this mixture on the stained areas by scrubbing lightly with a brush.
  • Baking Soda Paste: Create a paste using baking soda and water. Apply it onto the stains then leave for some time before scrubbing and rinsing.
  • Lemon Juice plus Salt: Blend salt with lemon juice until they form a paste. Put this paste over the stain, let it sit for some time then scrub and rinse afterwards.
  • Toothpaste: Non-gel toothpaste is suitable for removing dirt as well as stains by scrubbing them out. Smear it all over affected areas, scrub off then wipe away using a wet cloth.

Care and Repair of Canvas Shoes

It’s important to take good care of your canvas shoes if you want them to last and keep looking good. You should clean them regularly by softly brushing off the dirt and debris, and spot cleaning any stains. 

When you are not using them, store canvas shoes in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight so they do not fade or break down from heat exposure. 

Care and Repair of Canvas Shoes

Another thing you can do is use fabric protection spray which will help keep water off them as well preventing stain formation on their surface.

If there are any signs of wear such as loose threads or small tears on the material itself one may try fixing these areas with just a little bit of fabric glue applied carefully onto the affected region(s).

In case soles become too worn down it might be worth considering taking them to a cobbler who can replace them thus making sure that supportiveness does not decrease over time.

Remember that with proper care and maintenance, canvas shoes could last many more years than expected. Therefore, allowing us to cherish those moments spent in such footwear for much longer than anticipated.

FAQs on How to Clean Canvas Shoes

What happens if canvas shoes get soaked from rain?

Canvas shoes are very absorbent and will take in water easily, which makes them heavy. 

Your shoes can become dirty if you step into a puddle of mud, so clean them right away. You can spray canvas with waterproofing to make it repel rain and resist stains to some extent.

What home ingredients can I use instead of a shoe-cleaning product?

Mix baking soda with white distilled vinegar and hot water, then use an old toothbrush to scrub the mixture into your canvas footwear for cleaning.

Can I use Magic Eraser to clean my canvas shoes?

Magic Eraser is just a brand name for melamine sponges. These work well on rubber sides or toes where there might be scuff marks, stains, or dirt buildup. You can also try applying them gently over stained parts of the fabric.

How often should I wash my canvas shoes?

For daily wearers once weekly you should wash them every season or when visibly dirty.

How should I dry my canvas shoes after washing them?

Dry the shoes in the air, away from direct sunlight. Don’t use a hot dryer. To help retain their shape and soak up any excess moisture, stuff the toes with nylon mesh or paper towels.

Q: Can I use bleach to clean my canvas shoes?

Yes, you can if the shoes are white you are allowed to add chlorine bleach for brightening. But when it comes to colored canvas, go for an oxygen-based bleacher.

Q: What should I do if my canvas shoes have tough stains that don’t come out?

If it’s a tough stain that doesn’t come out of your white shoe then choose a little amount of polish for white shoes or dye them using colored fabric dye if they’re colored.

Wrapping Up 

Ensuring that you keep your shoes made of canvas clean is important because it affects both their look and life. Whether washed by hand or machine, cleaning right and following simple routines can be used to maintain the good condition of the shoe.

Another thing that can make shoes serve for a long is taking care of them in advance against damage as well as fixing them promptly whenever they get damaged. 

I hope now you know how to clean canvas shoes properly. If your shoes are damaging too quickly then it could be this issue. If proper cleaning does not help then I suggest you change the brand of your shoe. Probably they are not perfect for the environment you are staying. 


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